Selasa, 17 Maret 2015


Tonight, i should be happy. I can registered my form at incen web, but i worried when i saw my registered number. It showed 3276. Actually my r.n. was 179. But then, the recommendation letter was given too late.
So, I made a personal messenger on bbm. My friends try to support me. They ask me to be optimism. But ya know, easy to say hard to do. And now i realize, pepi's quote is true, "We need others' support because sometimes we believe people than ourselves."
So, God, please forgive my arrogant attitude, complain everything You gives, do not grateful at Your gifts, believe in others more than You, and everytime i forget You.
God, please make my way easier, give me strength, and show me the best decisions so i'll have bright future and make my family specially parents feel so proud of me.
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Be grateful.

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